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How to recruit and convert students (online masterclass for academic colleagues)

Enhancing Student Recruitment: A Masterclass for Academic Colleagues

Attracting and converting students is a critical priority for universities, and academic colleagues play a key role in this process. However, knowing where to focus efforts and how best to contribute can be challenging.

Marketing Partnership’s ‘How to Recruit and Convert Students’ masterclass is designed to provide academic staff with the tools and strategies needed to enhance student recruitment and enrolment for their courses.

Session Details:

Format: Online

Duration: 3 hours

HEI individual rate (public masterclass): £345 + VAT

Cost per HEI team (exclusive delivery on a date of your choosing): £2495 +VAT


What participants will gain:

  • A structured approach to identifying potential new ways to contribute to your institution's student recruitment efforts, using our PRISM methodology.

  • Effective techniques for overcoming barriers to enrolment and improving conversion rates.

  • Practical experience using our plan-builder worksheet to develop a tailored recruitment action plan.

Whilst many Student Recruitment and Marketing teams seek to provide more subject-specific tools and guidance for academic colleagues, they often face capacity constraints. This session is designed to complement this work, equipping academic colleagues with the insights and frameworks needed to maximise their impact.

Feedback from an Academic Deputy Head of Department  attending the: 'How to Recruit and Convert Students' session:

I learned so much  during the session. Based on  the advice and information given, it has given me much food for thought on how  we can improve our offer. Student recruitment and marketing is something we  prioritise in our department, but now, with this guidance, I feel  more  clear on what we really need to do to differentiate ourselves from the   competition and how academic teams can provide more input in relation to  the marketing and promotion of our courses.

Within my role, I attend a lot of meetings concerning  various HE topics, but I  have to say, hands down, this has been the best  one that I have been to; it was  brilliant.

Book your place below:

12 November

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